Webber Wentzel Business and Human Rights Offering

26 Mar 2024

​​​​In a globalised world where businesses operate across country borders and continents (particularly through their funders, subsidiaries and supply chains), scrutiny of corporate entities' impacts on human rights is increasing. Business and Human Rights (BHR) ​​is about ensuring that companies do not violate people's rights and, instead, contribute positively to society. 

This includes respecting workers' rights, avoiding harm to communities and the environment, and ensuring products and services do not infringe on human rights. At its heart, BHR is built on the idea that while businesses have a primary goal of making profits, they should do so without causing harm to people or exploiting vulnerable populations. 

Webber Wentzel has launched its BHR practice to support clients to navigate key international, regional and domestic instruments governing BHR, the emergence of BHR regulatory frameworks, and the integration of human rights considerations and requirements into their business operating models. 

​​Watch below for more information on our new Business & Human Rights service offering.



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