South Africa commemorates Women's Month in August as a tribute to the women who marched to the Union Buildings in 1956 in protest against the extension of pass laws. Women's Month celebrates the strength and resilience of women and their contribution to society and country.
March this year, the United Nations celebrated International Women's Month under the theme "Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow", celebrating the contribution of women who are leading the way to build a healthier and more equal and sustainable future for everyone. According to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.
Remembering the brave women of 1956 and the achievements and struggles of the generations of women who came before us, we challenge everyone to renew their commitment to gender equality as a key underpin to a sustainable future.
At Webber Wentzel, our purpose is to have a transformative and sustainable impact through our work and actions. Our formal, multi-pronged gender strategy, formulated in 2015 and updated yearly, includes a number of initiatives aimed at creating a more inclusive firm. We expect all our men and women to take active steps to create a more equitable working environment in their teams and to enable everyone to be able to be their authentic selves at work. The firm also focuses on countering gender inequities through its
Pro Bono and
CSI initiatives and its procurement policies.
To honour Women's Month, we will be donating ZAR 100,000 on behalf of our clients to Lawyers Against Abuse. Lawyers against Abuse is a non-profit organisation that provides free legal and psychosocial support services to victims of gender-based violence and aims to facilitate systemic change through strategic engagement with state actors and communities.
We hope you have a memorable Women's Month.