On the cusp of important company law changes: Companies Amendment Acts gazetted

The long-awaited amendments in the Companies Amendment Bills, 2023 have been signed into law and published in the Government Gazette as Acts of Parliament. The Companies Amendment Act, 2024 includes provisions to enhance transparency and provide for more disclosure by companies. The Companies Second Amendment Act, 2024 extends the time bars applicable to applications for director delinquency and proceedings to recover loss due to director liability.

On 30 July 2024, the Companies Amendment Act, 2024 and Companies Second Amendment Act, 2024 (collectively, the Companies Amendment Acts, 2024) were published in the Government Gazette, following the President's signature of the final bills. The commencement date/s of the amendments have not yet been proclaimed.

The Companies Amendment Act, 2024 aims to enhance transparency and provide for more disclosure by companies. It also aims to reduce red tape to enhance the ease of doing business in South Africa and clarify certain technical provisions in the Companies Act. The Companies Second Amendment Act, 2024 follows from the recommendations made by the Zondo Commission of Enquiry into State Capture and aims to extend the time bars applicable to applications for director delinquency and proceedings to recover loss due to director liability.

The key provisions in the Companies Amendment Acts, 2024 are briefly set out below.

Companies Amendment Act, 2024

New remuneration provisions applicable to public and state-owned companies:

o   Public and state-owned companies will have a duty to prepare and present a remuneration policy (once every three years or whenever there are material changes to the policy) and a remuneration report (each year at the annual general meeting (AGM)) for approval by ordinary shareholder resolution. Remuneration disclosures, including pay gap disclosures, must be made in the implementation report forming part of the remuneration report.

o   If the remuneration report is not approved at the annual AGM, at the next year's AGM, the remuneration committee must explain how shareholder concerns have been addressed, and non-executive directors on the remuneration committee (serving 12 months or more) must stand for re-election as remuneration committee members.

o   Thereafter, there are further consequences if the remuneration report is again not approved, including that in-scope non-executive directors must stand down from the committee for a period of two years. They can however remain as directors on the board, provided they successfully stand for re-election.

Application of takeover provisions in respect of private companies: The takeover provisions will now apply to affected transactions involving a private company that (i) has ten or more shareholders with a direct or indirect shareholding in the company; and (ii) meets or exceeds a financial threshold of annual turnover or asset value to be determined by the Minister of Trade, Industry & Competition. A private company will be considered a regulated company in this instance for purposes of application of the takeover provisions. The TRP may exempt any particular transaction involving an in-scope private company.

Individual directors and prescribed officers to be named: With respect to companies required to have their annual financial statements (AFS) audited under the Companies Act, each individual director and prescribed officer must be named in the remuneration particulars in the AFS.

Third party access to company records: Third parties will have the right to access a company's MOI, the records in respect of directors, the AFS and the register of disclosure of beneficial interests (where required), directly from a company. This is in addition to the securities register and register of directors to which third parties have access. Certain companies below a specified public interest threshold  (less than 100 in the case of internally prepared AFS and less than 350 in the case of independently prepared AFS) will be exempted from providing access to their AFS.

SEC requirements: Refinements to the provisions relating to a company's social and ethics committee (SEC) have been made, including:

o   refined exemption criteria allowing a company that has a formal mechanism within its structures which substantially performs the functions of an SEC, to apply for an exemption from the requirement to have an SEC, irrespective of whether there is legislation requiring it to have the formal mechanism;

o   for public and state-owned companies, the majority of the SEC members must be non-executive directors who have not been involved in the day-to-day management within the previous three financial years;

o   public and state-owned companies must elect the SEC every year at the AGM and the SEC must present its social and ethics committee report to shareholders at each AGM;

o   for other companies, the board must annually appoint the SEC and the SEC must present its social and ethics committee report annually at a shareholders' meeting or by written resolution; and

o   the social and ethics committee report must be prepared in the "prescribed" manner and form (not yet prescribed).

Validation of irregular share creation and issues: On receipt of an application, a court may validate an invalid share creation, allotment or issue, should the court find it just and equitable to do so. The shares will be deemed valid after payment of all the "prescribed" fees.

Effective date of MOI amendments: Amendments to the MOI (other than a name change) will take effect ten business days after receipt by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (unless endorsed or rejected with reasons sooner) or a later date specified in the Notice of Amendment.

Financial assistance exemption in certain instances: A company which provides financial assistance to its subsidiary (as defined in the Companies Act; essentially South African incorporated subsidiaries) will be exempted from section 45 financial assistance provisions. This exemption therefore does not apply to a foreign entity beneficiary that otherwise meets the subsidiary definition.

Relaxation of share repurchase requirements: The previous provision that a repurchase of more than 5% of the shares is subject to the requirements of sections 114 and 115 of the Companies Act, will no longer apply. All share repurchases will now require the passing of a special resolution by shareholders unless the repurchased shares are acquired as a result of (i) a pro-rata offer made to all shareholders of a particular class of shareholders, or (ii) transactions effected on a recognised stock exchange on which the shares are traded.

Companies Second Amendment Act, 2024

Extension of director liability time bar: A court may, on good cause shown, extend the three-year time period in which to bring proceedings under section 77 of the Companies Act to recover any loss for which a director or prescribed officer may be held liable under the section. The Prescription Act, 1969 does not apply in respect of proceedings to recover loss under section 77(7).

Extension of time bars to bring director delinquency and probation applications: The period within which to make an application to declare a person a delinquent director or under probation has been extended to 60 months after that person ceases to be a director. A court may, on good cause shown, further extend such period.

For a detailed snapshot of the final amendments, read our insight: A snapshot of the key amendments in the Companies Amendment Bills, 2023.

Addressing the corporate impact of the amendments

Companies should promptly begin addressing the impact the new amendments, once effective, will have on their corporate and strategic operations if they have not started already. Among others:

  • public and state-owned companies should review the structures of their remuneration policies and reports to align with the new requirements, including pay gap disclosures. They should also amend their template AGM notices and agendas to cater for the presentation and approval of the remuneration policy and remuneration report, and re-election of non-executive directors as required under the new provisions. They should also assess director rotation and appointment provisions;
  • private companies that are party to current and planned affected transactions should assess whether they will be subject to the takeover provisions. Where they will be involved in an upcoming affected transaction, they should prepare for the potential impact of complying with takeover-related obligations or consider requesting an exemption from the Takeover Regulation Panel. In-scope private companies involved in pending transactions may need to assess the application of the takeover provisions to their transaction and whether a TRP exemption is needed;
  • companies should review their MOIs to ensure alignment with the amendments, including assessing financial assistance, share repurchases and SEC-related provisions; and
  • ​if amendments to an MOI are a step in a contemplated transaction, companies should build in the requisite time to cater for the delayed effective date of the MOI amendments.

Companies should seek expert advice to help them navigate the new amendments and their impact on their businesses.

Our recent webinar unpacking the final amendments in the Companies Amendment Bill, 2023 and practical considerations for companies, can be found here.

Access a copy of the Companies Amendment Act, 2024 here. Access a copy of the Companies Second Amendment Act, 2024 here.

Next steps

Several amendments in the Companies Amendment Act, 2024 require the manner and form of documents, fees or other items to be prescribed or determinations to be published, for purposes of implementation of the relevant amendment. These would typically be set out in regulations. Now that the Companies Amendment Acts, 2024 have been gazetted, we expect that updates to the Companies Regulations, 2011 will be published. The DTIC has not, to date, provided any indication of the timing of publication.

This summary is not intended to, and does not, constitute legal advice, and may not be relied upon. For further information or tailored advice, please contact Madelein van der Walt or your usual Webber Wentzel contact.​


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