Webber Wentzel has always been a firm that prioritises the health, safety and wellbeing of its people. After careful consideration, and having regard to all available information, our overarching obligation to take all reasonably practicable measures to safeguard the health of our employees and our operational requirements, Webber Wentzel has implemented a Covid-19 vaccination policy which will require all partners, employees and on-site contractors to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 by mid-January 2022.
In line with applicable law, the policy recognises that an employee may have the right to refuse the vaccination in limited circumstances, and provides for a reasonable accommodation process subject to operational requirements.
Webber Wentzel has played an active role in the fight against Covid-19, working pro bono alongside Business Unity South Africa to kickstart and manage the National Ventilator Project and supporting the National Department of Health pro bono in relation to all contractual and regulatory aspects of the vaccination programme. The firm has also provided its people with regular and reliable information on Covid-19, access to onsite vaccinations and vaccination leave. Currently, 72% of people within the firm have been fully vaccinated and 85% have been partially vaccinated.
Sally Hutton, Managing Partner, Webber Wentzel:
"After careful consideration, we believe that the introduction of this vaccination policy is in the best interests of our firm. In addition, corporate South Africa has an influential role to play in helping our country reach the level of population immunity that is needed to re-establish livelihoods, restore our economy and reignite our South African way of life. Individually, and collectively, it is within our control to save lives – and it is our civic duty to do so".